Strengthen your position
Martha Olawale
“Afterward, the prophet came to the king of Israel and said, “Strengthen your position and see what must be done, because next spring the king of Aram will attack you again.” 1 Kings 20:21
As our faith foundation shifts, our beliefs and proclamations risk being muddled and diluted by our human limitations. Our lives must bear witness to God’s goodness, and our navigation as we journey through life should be a testament to the saving grace of the cross of Christ. If we truly believe in Jesus' saving power, it should flow as easily as each breath from our lungs. This is why it's so important to stay true to our faith.
Our understanding of peace, faith, righteousness, and justice should derive solely from God. Relying on external factors to determine what is right is not enough. We must actively seek God’s counsel in all our decisions. No Christian should claim to fight the good fight of faith without first seeking Christ's guidance at the foot of the cross.
A man like Ahab, who did not follow God, had a very shaky foundation and danced to the tune of Ben-Hadad. He was willing to let go of things God blessed him with because of his weakness in understanding the God of Israel. How can someone demand all your wealth and your wives and children, and you say, “Just as you say, my lord the king. I and all I have are yours?” 1 Kings 20:4.
Ahab’s willingness to dance to the melody of a wrong song put him in a position of weakness, which made Ben-Hadad broaden his demands and send his messenger back to tell him he would search and take everything he valued. What he offered was not enough. The problem was that Ahab did not understand that the devil never plays fair. He’ll ask for a thousand more if you offer him a mile.
Until Ahab understood his enemy was out to get everything he valued, and even those he didn’t, he was willing to play ball with him. In the same way, until we know the importance of holding on to every aspect of the tenet of our faith, the enemy will return for more until he gets everything we value. How we value what we guard affects our resolve to protect them with our lives.
While Ahab's actions were not commendable, he demonstrated a crucial understanding when he found himself with nothing to lose. He recognized that there was still hope for Israel to triumph over Ben-Hadad's army. He declared, “Tell him: ‘One who puts on his armor should not boast like one who takes it off.’” 1 Kings 20:11. This was a shift in his willingness to bargain and improved understanding for us to learn from that those who oppose the cross, despite their arsenal, will be rendered powerless in the presence of God’s righteousness.
After defeating Ben-Hadad, the prophet told Ahab, instead of relaxing your position to accommodate a lackadaisical attitude, “Strengthen your position.” Winning one battle does not mean another is not coming because one defeat does not equal throwing in the towel and retreating. A strong marriage is not a ticket for you to hang out with the wrong company, nor is grace a thumbs up to walk in unrighteousness.
If God gives you victory over a particular sin, don’t allow another sin to take root in your heart; strengthen your position to avoid the subsequent mayhem knocking on the door of your heart, marriage, or life. As a Kingdom king, it is your duty to fortify your position. You must protect every single blessing given to you by God. Safeguard your faith, heart, family, Church, work, and mind. Build a strong barrier of peace and righteousness, leaving no space for the devil to infiltrate.