Here's the deal about God
Martha Olawale
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." Psalm 9:10
Sitting on the hotel's patio, I looked at the sea before me and saw its vastness. The waves come in with a roar and recede with precision as if commanded. I tried to catch a glimpse of the end of it, but the more I looked, the farther it became. The ocean was majestic yet tamed by the greatness of God. It was a perfect reflection of the earth's beauty and the glory of its creator.
Later that night, sitting around a burnfire on its shores with my friends worshiping, awe washed over me because above all the splendor I could see lies a more unfathomable universe. A universe so expansive we can never reach its end, even in our minds. Humanity is summed up in the greatness of God, and we owe our very existence to Him. Without Jesus, no one would be worthy to stand before the almighty.
Here's the deal about God; some say believing in who we can't see doesn't make sense. But even the things we can see don't make sense, either. The farthest observable galaxy is billions of light-years away, one of the trillions we’ve seen, and they can only be viewed through observational technologies. There are also billions of stars just in our world's galaxy. If we’ve not seen much of God's creation, how can we see the beginning of God? In a tumultuous, uncertain, and unrelentingly confusing world like ours, it takes looking deep into your soul to see God, where He alone can satisfy the emptiness.
The very existence of evil affirms the goodness of God. And until we bow to His sovereignty, we are at the mercy of a rough ride through life. As I look at the sky each day, I see the hand of God in it. As I walk on land, I feel the touch of God on it. As I breathe the air I can't see, I smell the fragrance of Heaven. In honor of His greatness and matchless glory, I echo the ocean's roar and bow with its waves to declare Christ, King.
There are no words to describe the greatness of God, but I reflect with David to say,
“The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
3 They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
4 Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.
In the heavens, God has pitched a tent for the sun.” Psalm 19:1-4