My story in HIS story

Martha Olawale

“Why do the nations conspire and the people plot in vain? The kings of the earth rise up, and the rulers band together against the Lord… The One enthroned in heaven laughs.” Psalm 2:1-2,4a

Humanity continues to seek answers to their origin from any source they can access, ignoring the source who left the Heavens to walk among us, and the more we search, the less we know. We look to oceans for answers and find none; we look to the stars beyond our galaxies and find none. Our quest to disregard God’s sovereignty leads us beyond where humanity can reach but reduces our understanding of our story in His story.

The story of God starts with God and unfolds in the past, present, and future of time. God is not a historical figure or a scientific discovery. He is neither a hero in a once-upon-a-time fable nor a character in our plot lines. God is our creator and is as majestic and present today as before the beginning of time.

The complexity of His existence speaks through a billion stars, and the depth of His love speaks through the life, death, and resurrection of Christ. The world has welcomed, celebrated, and denounced many heroes who are now reduced to the pages written by man's hands. But God remains God, and the story of the boy in the manger remains the beginning of man’s return to God’s original intent of fellowship with mankind.

If the earth quivers or the universe unravels, God will still be God, and the blood of Christ will still speak louder than the blood of Abel. Humanity can call a round table meeting to denounce God’s existence, but that won’t reduce Him from His Sovereignty, and we can stomp a hole in the heart of the earth, but that won’t take away from His glory either. We can keep trying to make sense of the story of our existence, but each dot of the lines we thread will always point back to God.


You are called; walk in it


The depth I seek