Stairways to Heaven’s gate
Martha Olawale
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10
Walking through life comes with difficulties. It is a journey through a maze of unknowns and no matter how well we think we have figured it out, it always throws something new at us. It’s a journey that starts with birth but does not end in death because death leads to eternity.
For me, the journey to Heaven is like climbing steep stairs to a mountaintop because we live in an imperfect world where we must contend with the raging waves of life and the constant battle of our minds. As I walk through those stairs, there are times that I have enough strength to run fast toward the mountaintop but there are times I get too weary to take one step. In every moment, all that matters is that I am not looking back to where I left before Christ saved me and that although I might not be a step closer, I remind myself of how close Heaven is to me.
Like everyone, who has and is still walking through the stairs of life, I’ve enjoyed so many things in my life and I’ve also been through some dark roads and painful turns. Regardless of the condition of each turn, the only reason I’m still standing is that I’m not walking alone. I have placed my hands in the hands of Christ and entrusted my life to Him. If I’m running, He’s right beside me and when I’m too weak to take a step, He’s right there stroking my back until I’m rested enough to continue my journey.
God is not a taskmaster, expecting you to “suck it up” and move on. He is the comforter who will stand by you until you are ready to keep moving. He is not disappointed by your weakness, because His strength is made perfect in your weakness. Your heavenly Father is not repulsed by the wounds you sustain through life because He holds the balm of Gilead in His hands. He is not weary of your tears because He will wipe each drop away, no matter how long they flow. To the saved, Jesus is a friend that sticks closer than a brother and the only constant in our inconsistent life.